Wednesday, February 19, 2014

These are my kids

Where did she learn to pose for pictures like this? I have about eight of this exact same shot. 

And then I told her to put her arms down. This picture reminded me, she's really funny if you ask her to show you her muscles. Flexes and shakes her whole body. It's precious. 

In case I didn't mention it before... She's forward facing in her carseat now. She likes it. 

This is Brady. He's skinny so he wears skinny jeans. Also, he likes to climb on everything in sight. And it doesn't deter him that he falls. Frequently. He's tough. 

Abigail loves to clean. Sometimes it's a pain because I don't want her flinging dirty dish water all over the place, but overall, I like it.  I really do hope she inherits my love and appreciation for cleaning and cleanliness. 

Today my cold (which I had previously thought to be improving) is attacking me with a vengeance... So I woke up this morning feeling like death. Around two, completely overwhelmed, I sat in that tiny brown polka dot chair and just looked around and thought of all the things I needed to do. Laundry and dishes and sweeping and mopping and putting all our new groceries away and really I just wanted to crawl in bed and put myself into a stuffy nose drug induced coma. So I asked Abigail if she wanted to sweep up all the peas and corn and oatmeal Brady had thrown on the floor. And bless her little heart... She said yes. It gave me the motivation to do my part... Eventually. 

This is how Abigail hides. I love it. When should she be learning that we can all still see her?

Just because I wanted an intent picture of her. 

And this one made me laugh so loud she got startled and was super excited to see her. What's not to love? 

Someone please make my cold go away. Today was so gorgeous (like I was driving with my windows down) I felt guilty for not taking the kids outside to play. But we went to story time at the library and then to Walmart and then I was just exhausted and my body wanted to die. The sinus pressure I'm experiencing makes it feel like my face could explode at any second and I just couldn't bring myself to get us outside for any length of time. Tomorrow though?  It's a snow day!  So here's to no guilt about staying in and reading books and snuggling in bed!  I sure do love me a gorgeous cozy snow day! 

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