Friday, February 7, 2014

Quotes - Abigail "being three"

I'll have to come back in and edit this when I'm on a computer. In the meantime, I just wanted to get it down. Some of my favorite quotes from the first half of Abigail being three...

Abigail quotes- being three

Brady's not eating again!  But he is!  Dangit!  (In her high voice)

Lets go downstairs and get you dressed and then we can go outside. I'm gonna get you dressed. 

You're the mommy and I'm the daddy. 
No! I'm Abigail!   - with Elle

Did it rain? 
Yeah it's raining
No, but it already rained but it is raining. 

Abigail just watched me put a new bag liner in the diaper pail. When I was done she said "wow! You're amazing!"  Hahahaha  I can't stop laughing. 

Just consolidated the extra parts and instructions and things for our cubby shelves. When I was done Abigail looks over my shoulder and says "that looks great!!!"

"Where're you going?" "I'm going to put Brady down for nap."  "But I like him!" 

Two boys are sleeping and two girls are not sleeping!

Putting away dishes from the dishwasher... "Where does this long? (Belong)
I want sauce! I don't want Thomas (hummus). 
This sauce (ranch) feels good for me. 

8.11.13 honey got Abigail up from naptime-
I need you to get a booger out. 
You need me to get a booger out or you already got a booger out?
I can't get a booger out with a blanky or a doggie or trains. 
(It was a scratch scab in her nose)

8.12.13 brady was so happy and I said "can you believe Brady has been awake and not eaten for six hours?!"  Honey said "great. He's turning into Abigail."

8.18.13 When daddy was watching his show I said "can I watch strawberry shortcake?" And he said "no!"  Because he was watching his show. That's okay he can watch it. 

8.20.13 I want to paint my toes blue like your toes are blue... Because I like matching you. 

8.22.13 You put butter on my toast?!?!  I think I like butter
Join the club. 
Yeah. I like butter.  I think I like butter better than yummy cheese eggs. I want some more butter and toast. 

8.22.13  (in the playroom Mini coupe) I'm gonna go to nursery now!  Have a good time with Brady!  And don't miss me!

8.23.13  I saw that knot. I will not do knots anymore and then I will get a binky again... That we got from Costco. I will get the binkies that we got from Costco!  I like those binkies from Costco!"

8.26.13. Will you come help Brady?
Yeah. I'm coming. 
Okay, he's right there in the bumbo with a green shirt. Right there. (Runs to him and pats his head) this is him. Right here. 

9.3.13 it's a snowmaster!!!  (Snowman stirrer... Spatula)

9.18.13 "I'm the sweetest girl in the whole life world!"
"Did you get the egg out of the avocado?!"
"Will you go help Brady so he's not surprised of the moths?"  (We'd just read a dinosaur book and I said the mom looked scared. Then I said actually she just looked surprised.)

10.6.13. I gave him books and I gave him toys and I'm singing him a song!

10.20.13. Elle as a Micky mouse pig animal. Abigail as a sheep, daddy duck, mommy car, grandma truck, grandpa a grass, Nate as stairs, John as a camel, Brady as bed

10.21.13  pretend talking to Elle on the phone, I talk for a min and hand the phone back to Abigail "sorry Elle, ha, that was just mommy."  

10.23.13. My hair looks fluffy when you blow dry it!  Like a dog!  

10.22.13. I won't eat/drink/get all of it. I will save some for you. 

10.27.13  tell me more. Tell me more about our hairs. / my hair is gray / 

Hey baby girl, I'm going to feed Brady and then I'll come get you out of your crib!  "Okay!  Because you are feeling well?"

"When you're sick that means that you're not feeling well?  And that your tummy hurts?"

"Sometimes I like to lay on things when they're broked."

Did you know you get to go trick or treating tonight?
Yeah!!! In the darkyness thing?  In the darkyness?  Where the star glows?! 

Holding up a Parker library bookmark, "oh wow!  It's thirty dollars!"

Abigail said a prayer and was thankful for Elle and that she could wear her Mickey costume and come to the Halloween party last night. 

Abigail and Brady keep going in her closet to play and giggle. Occasionally Abigail pops her head out to say "mommy... We're doing fine in here."  

Sung to follow the prophet "we ran out of shampoo, we got some ice cream!"  Can you guys hear me?! And "that truck has ice creams on it."

11.11.13. Watch this!  I tend to swim in the bath tub. 

12.4.13 when I spin then our house spins too. Somebody taught me that. Elle taught me that. 

12.5.13 oh we have purple ones [flowers]  in our back yard!  But they melted down.  (In a giggling silly voice with the slightest trace of sad) 

I'm gonna give you a hug because I love Elle. 
Ohhh, thanks for this hug. I love you sweet girl. 
And I love Elle. 

12.19.13 I'm sorry I ruined your tape. I ruined it. I'm really sorry. 

12.28.13 rocket mice?  (At the aquarium) 
(About the eel) whys he hiding? 

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