Monday, February 10, 2014

we're that family now with a whole lot of sick

poor brady.  poor all of us actually.

last week, brady was fussy... i was thinking it was teething.  he also had a diaper rash so raw and terrible and bloody.  thursday morning, he woke up with a crib full of vomit.  and puked a little during his afternoon nap, just for good measure.  but then seemed fine.  friday though, he woke up again with a whole crib full of vomit.  what the heck brady?!  saturday, you could tell he was drooling and had a runny nose.  he wasn't a really happy guy.  sunday morning, he woke up with this horrible (but really cute in a sad sort of way) barking cough.  i told christopher it was like he was darth vader* because when i went to get him up, it was super dark in the room, and the fan was still on really loud, and yet i could still hear this deep darth vader sort of... i dunno... breathing?  sighing?  huffing?  something.  and don't even get me started on how bad his nose was.  so much snot.  such a sad brady.  anyways, he's still got it.  and he coughs all night long.  and even his talking and crying during the day is low and manly.  even more manly than usual.

and poor me because i felt super sick going to bed friday night and finally threw up at 5am saturday morning.  not sure why my body hates me... why do i feel like i'm always throwing up?  i don't even get the benefit of being pregnant.  i'm just throwing up with zero benefit.  who invented this crap?!  anyways, somehow, while i was throwing up, i also threw out my neck.  like i have never ever ever had such extreme neck pain ever.  there is sleeping on it wrong and having neck pain for a few days sort of pain and then there's multiplying that by a thousand and that's what i was experiencing.  i laid in bed and then seriously couldn't move.  i can't even begin to describe it.  and all day saturday i basically had to lay in bed.  the pain was so severe that it also imparied my ability to use my arms (because shoulder muscles connect to neck muscles blah blah blah) so i couldn't hold my kid, i almost killed myself putting a shirt on, i couldn't brush my hair, and i couldn't reach anything that was higher than my head because i literally didn't have the ability to lift my arm that high.  that means i had to have christopher reach the oats and flax seed and brown sugar from the top shelf just so i could make myself a simple bowl of oatmeal.  and moving at all hurt.  not moving also hurt.  laying hurt.  deep breaths hurt. swallowing even kind of hurt.  it's late monday night and i'm still having terrible pain.  although thankfully by sunday morning i could at least function.  i kept thinking how grateful i was that it happened on a saturday when i had my honey home to help.  if it was a weekday i for sure would have had to call a friend to take my kids for 8 hours until christopher could get home.  has anyone else experienced this?!  why does my neck still hurt so bad?!  and i didn't even feel anything at the time...  i was just laying in bed feeling like i was going to vomit, i finally got up and went to the bathroom for the inevitable, and when i laid back down to go to sleep... searing pain.  anyways, i was also still feeling weak and crappy from throwing up and by saturday night i was also getting a sore throat.  monday morning i woke up feeling terrible... congestion and headache.  body, come on!

christopher?  well he started getting a sore throat saturday night too.  sunday morning woke up definitely sick.  and monday he said was absolutely miserable like he wanted to die.  and he had a million meetings all day and combine that with traveling and i just feel really bad for him.

abigail?  she's just a bundle of non-sick energy suffering from a lack of attention and playdates.  but mostly playdates.  the most social girl (i just mistyped "gift"... freud would say that's because i'm a loving mother... freud doesn't know i started my kids' bedtime routine tonight in the 6 o clock hour tonight because i just needed them asleeeeeeeep) in the world can't take two seconds without a friend elle and so she is struggling.  luckily though, she's not actually sick.  just inflicting her high energy on the rest of us.  but we do love her anyways.  also, she woke up at 7:30 this morning and i wanted to die.  luckily though, she was as sweet and delightful as could be (until maybe 4:00 or something when brady woke up from his nap) and i didn't have to pull myself from bed until after 9.  she woke up and played and then went potty and got herself dressed again (although she brought me her pj's to untangle) and then put a sticker on her potty chart and got herself a treat (and then brought me the ziploc bag so i could seal it again) and even returned the chair (because the treats are kept in a higher cabinet so she has to push a chair over and then climb on the counter and stand up to reach them) back to the table.  if it wasn't so creepy, i would install cameras in all parts of my house to record this sort of stuff.

anyways, somehow, i survive without my honey... one day at a time.

but let's cross our fingers for the boys of the family... they're just real sick.

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