Friday, August 25, 2017


running out of milk and eggs at the same time pretty much guaranteed that I'd need to get myself to Costco soon.

and somehow this alllllways happens.  go into Costco for milk and eggs and then bury your baby under $200 of groceries.

8 gallons of skim milk, 10 dozen eggs, four loaves of bread, a tub of sour cream, a tub of cottage cheese, giant package of toilet paper, box of yogurts (these have been great for when I don't have the motivation to make food for myself), tortellini (I was feeling ambitious about actually making dinner), hummus (because it was on sale and Brady's favorite number is four so we got four), two packages of snap peas (because we need something to eat with all that hummus!), bananas (even though I never have good luck with Costco bananas, I just keep trying), and a package of bottled water (because we had a door to door salesman come by the other day and it was so hot so I offered him a drink and he asked for a bottle of water to take with him... I was so embarrassed that I didn't have a simple bottle of water for him... I ended up filling up a water bottle with ice water and told him to just throw it away when he was done with it because I didn't care about getting it back. I'm still wondering if he ever drank the water or if he was sketched out that it wasn't safe or something... who knows).  and a box of orbit gum with something like 252 pieces of gum inside... that has proved to be an excellent purchase so far but more on that later.  we got other stuff too like gogurts and magnesium vitamins but holy cow it was amazing how my simple list just filled my cart to the brim.  probably didn't help that I started with three kids though.

eating lunch and hanging out with our new neighbor friends.  we seriously couldn't have lucked out any more with our new neighbors.  I looooove that Brady has a friend on the street now.  I mean, he had Presley before, but it's really great now for him to have a boy to ride bikes and scooters with.

we got that 100 easy lessons reading book on Wednesday afternoon and did five lessons that day and then no lessons on Thursday.  at Costco, I bought that huge box of gum to be Brady's rewards for completing a reading lesson.  he was so excited to get a piece of gum that he asked to do a reading lesson.  I started the stopwatch on my phone (because I'm roughly timing how long lessons take us) and he was so whiney and not very cooperative. finally he told me that he was just too tired so I told him fine and I just got up and went to put Andrew down for a nap.  came back to a sleeping Brady.  and just 9 minutes and 33 seconds before, he'd been begging to do a reading lesson.  I'm glad I let him nap.  also, this is why he won't be doing four days of afternoon preschool.  I think if he just does Tuesday and Thursday of afternoon preschool, he'll be able to nap/rest on the other afternoons and still be totally fine.  he just really still needs naps.

while all three kids were napping, I cleaned out my car.  honey spent some quality time with Andrew since it was his second day in a row that he was more high maintenance and needing to be held/tended to.  we watched part of the big friendly giant but none of us were into it and both kids eventually requested that we turn it off and they could go to bed instead of finishing the movie.  ha. fail.  I got in a screaming match with Abigail during bedtime because she wanted me to stay with her forever until she fell asleep and wasn't willing to compromise at all on any of the suggestions I made to her.  she seems to be the only kid right now that thinks she's an only child and it kills me.  and I sat in Brady's bed forever texting honey who was on the bed in Abigail's room like 20 feet away from me.  eventually I made my way to the kitchen where I cleaned up and made the bread/egg part of baked French toast and stuck it in the fridge for the morning.  mentally, the day had some highs and lows and I'm grateful that my honey really text therapied me through the lows.  night times can be rough on me mentally.

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