Saturday, August 5, 2017

library party outside

he's such a doll.

he even looks like one. sometimes I have to get down real close to check and make sure he's still breathing.  I'm not sure why I still do that.  I mean, never have I ever done that to someone and had them be dead.  you'd think I'd learn now that the odds are enough in the favor of living that it's really not worth my time or effort.

when you're relationship with you kid is struggling and you sincerely worry about their future... this isn't how you want to wake up on a Saturday morning.  I've tried to figure out how to disable these news notifications and been unsuccessful.  this gave me the motivation I needed to banish it once and for all.  googling the problem and following the steps led to success.  now, if only I could get rid of this memory.

and there is goes.  now she has no two front teeth.  Chris played that "all I want for Christmas is my two front teeth" song a few times the other day for the kids.  after both of them loving it and Chris turning it off, Brady was all "dad, what's a toofrontee?"  that kid.  at least he asks.

I remembered just a little before ten that the library was having their end of summer reading party... at 10.  we threw on clothes and headed over.  its the first library party we've been to that's been outside and it was a lot of fun. tons of outside activities and they even had a little pep rally type thing where they thanked all of the kids for reading so much this summer and said they exceeded their reading goal so everyone got to see the mayor get a pie to the face.  the kids thought it was awesome.

so glad I put a thin dress on Elizabeth.  it was constantly getting soaked from bubbles or the fountain or more bubbles or her Popsicle and it was so nice that it dried so fast each time without a problem.

sometimes I read some of those random internet lists like "20+ best online comments" or whatever like that.  this list had a number that I loved, but this one was probably my favorite.  some people are just so clever.

we'll call this family history... we're always trying to explain the relationships of all of our extended family but next time we ask, our kids have already forgotten.  this was Brady's reaction when he told him that uncle Nate and dad were brothers just like he and Andrew are brothers.  ha.

honey took Abigail and Brady to the pool for a bit when we got home (they were already in their swimsuits from the library party because of their fountain splash pad type setup) and then to Costco.  I stayed home with the napping babes.  Elizabeth is seriously so fun to hang out with on her own.  I hope I still think that in a few weeks when we've had a lot of alone time together.  ; )

I heated up a bottle for Andrew (he's like Elizabeth and his pretty hit or miss about taking one so I try to give him practice at least once a week).  well, he didn't take the bottle.  next time I looked over, it was this.  it's good to know that he'll likely take a bottle by the time he's 2.5 when I'm trying to feed one to his younger sibling.  also, this is not the first time this has happened.  can I get crunchy granola credit for my 2 year old drinking breastmilk? I mean, plenty of people are still nursing their kid at that age.

real life.  how does this island get cleared off and then 24 hours later it looks like this?  when we woke up in the morning, it just had a neat little pile of Abigail's back to school supplies that I was collecting.  by the end of a Saturday, we've got food, mail, library books, clothes, junk from my car, my pile of sacrament programs to fold, and who knows what else under there.  it's like it multiplies when I'm not looking.

good news: it's another successful Saturday in the books.

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